Pilot Radio Simulator

Practice your radio calls by actually speaking. Get proficient with pilot communications by getting real-time feedback on your manned and unmanned radio calls.

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Actually Practice

Reading about radio calls in a book can be helpful, but actually speaking them out loud is a different story. That's why we've created Pilot Radio Simulator to help you build the confidence and skills you need to effectively communicate with air traffic control.

With our simulator, you'll be able to practice making radio calls in different scenarios, ranging from simple to complex. You'll have the opportunity to make mistakes, learn from them, and improve your communication skills.

Stop Struggling

As a student pilot, radio work can be nerve-wracking and challenging. It's understandable that you may struggle with making radio calls, especially when communicating with air traffic control.

But fear not! Our Pilot Radio Simulator is here to help you overcome those challenges and become proficient in making radio calls. We provide you with real-time feedback and analysis of your radio calls, helping you identify areas where you need to improve.

By receiving immediate feedback, you can quickly learn from your mistakes and make adjustments to your communication style. This can help you build confidence and improve your overall communication skills in manned and unmanned environments.

Compare... and try again

We provide you with a unique opportunity to compare what you said with what you should have said, and then try again until you get it right.

Our simulator allows you to see how close you got to the suggested radio call with visual indicators, making it easy to identify areas where you need to improve. By seeing your mistakes and comparing them to the correct response, you can quickly learn from your mistakes and build your skills.

With the ability to try again and again until you get it right, you can build confidence in your communication skills and develop a deeper understanding of the appropriate language to use when communicating with other pilots and air traffic control.

Randomness Built-in

We understand that no two flights are the same, and that's why we've built in randomness to our scenarios.

Our simulator provides you with random instructions from air traffic control, giving you exposure to the possible scenarios you may experience in real life. By experiencing these random scenarios, you can develop the ability to think on your feet and adapt to unexpected situations.

This exposure to real-world scenarios can help you build your confidence and communication skills in a safe and supportive environment. It's the perfect way to prepare yourself for the unexpected and ensure that you're ready to handle any situation that comes your way.

Prepare for Success

Take your training to the next level with our mock exam questions. In addition to honing your practical radio skills, you can now test your knowledge with over 250 mock exam questions (with answers) that closely mimic the SACAA Restricted Radio Licence exam.

Our comprehensive question bank allows you to identify areas where you may need additional study, helping you better prepare for the exam. By practicing both the practical side of radio work and the theory, you'll gain a well-rounded understanding of radio communication in aviation.

With Pilot Radio Simulator, you have the tools to build your confidence, improve your skills, and achieve success in both practical scenarios and theory-based assessments. Get ready to excel in your radio communication journey.